This journal managed and published by department of master program on mathematics education, faculty of teacher training and. Available for free access and download since june 1, 2015. View all issues jurnal pendidikan dan keluarga has been registered with the number e issn. This journal is published three editions published a year. Jurnal penelitian pendidikan jpp is published since 1984. The journal publishes research and conceptual articles in the field of teaching and learning theories and activities focusing on science education, social. This journal publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in education.
Jurnal pendidikan bahasa indonesia is a journal published by program studi pendidikan bahasa dan sastra indonesia, fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan, universitas islam sultan agung. Jurnal teknik industri has been accredited by national journal accreditation arjuna managed by ministry of research, technology, and higher education, republic indonesia with second grade peringkat 2, sinta 2 since the year 2018 according to the decree no. Jurnal pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan ilmu. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original. Jurnal pendidikan islam ejournal uin sunan kalijaga.
Program studi pendidikan ekonomi pascasarjana universitas negeri surabaya. Jurnal pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan ilmuilmu sosial print issn. The journal is published twice a year in april and october,and published articles of educational research. Jurnal filsafat is published twice a year, in february and august with issn. Jurnal konseling dan pendidikan jkp is a scientific journal in the field of counseling and education. Terakreditasi c berdasarkan keputusan dirjen dikti depdiknas.
Untuk rujukan situs penyedia jurnal nasional yang issn bisa mencari di situs portal garuda atau ipi, disini kita bisa mencari jurnal dengan berdasarkan judul title, abstrack, author pengarangnya, dan affiliation. Jurnal ilmu tanah dan lingkungan is a continuation of the journal of soil and environmentjurnal tanah dan lingkungan, with p issn 14107333 and e issn 25492853 published twice a year, in april and october by the department of soil science and land resourcesdepartemen ilmu tanah dan sumberdaya lahan a new name from the department of soildepartemen tanah, faculty. The journal is intended to provide academic forums for researchers who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues on education and teacher training. Bisa dikatakan situs ini sangat lengkap sekali tentunya dengan jurnal bertipe pdf lengkap. Fakultas tarbiyah dan keguruan, universitas islam negeri alauddin makassar. Secara khusus jurnal menaruh perhatian, namun tidak hanya terbatas, pada pokokpokok persoalan tentang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan humaniora termasuk politik, hukum dan ekonomi.
Jurnal penelitian pendidikan rumah ilmu, pengembang. It has been published by the department of indonesian language education, faculty of language and literature, universitas negeri makassar in cooperate with asosiasi dosen bahasa dan sastra indonesia adobsi and ikatan program studi pendidikan bahasa. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan, keguruan, dan pembelajaran menerbitkan hasil pemikiran dan hasil penelitian yang ditulis oleh pakar, pendidik, ilmuan, dan praktisi pendidikan pada bidang pendidikan, keguruan, dan pembelajaran. Jkp published by the indonesian institute for counseling, education and therapy iicet in collaboration with indonesian counselor association iki, in print and online with print issn. Islamic religious education journal, published by muhammadiyah university of jember.
Tadris journal is intended to provide academic forums for researchers who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues on education and teacher training, especially in the muslim world. Jurnal sistem filsafat pendidikan islam jurnal doc. Lembaga ilmu pengetahuan indonesia indonesian institute of sciences. Jurnal pendidikan ilmu sosial jpis menerbitkan artikelartikel ilmiah hasil penelitian maupun kajian literatur dalam bidang pendidikan ilmu sosial. Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan. Jurnal penelitian pendidikan unnes journal rumah ilmu. Jpis dikelola oleh program studi pendidikan akuntansi, universitas muhammadiyah surakarta. The innovative work of the post graduate students, teachers and lecturers of the development of the education sector which is able to make a positive. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan indonesia cenderawasih university.
This work is licensed under a creative commons attributionsharealike 4. This journal focuses on the issues of arabic learning at. Jurnal pendidikan islam adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh fakultas ilmu tarbiyah dan keguruan uin sunan kalijaga yogyakarta dan himpunan sarjana pendidikan islam hispi. Membentuk karakter anak melalui permainan tradisional. Universitas negeri malang, lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. The authors who publish the manuscript in this journal agree to the following terms. The journal publishes research and conceptual articles in the field of teaching and learning theories and activities focusing on science education, social science education, linguistics and. Jurnal filsafat is a scientific journal that first published in 1990, as a forum for scientific communication, development of thinking and research in philosophy. Jurnal nusantara adalah suatu jurnal multidisiplin yang mencakup berbagai pokok persoalan dalam kajian ilmuilmu sosial dan humaniora. Fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan universitas lampung jurnal ilmu p endidikan dan pembelajaran volume 4 nomor 1 halaman 1 100 bandar lampung, maret 2006 issn 1693 2463. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan directory of open access journals.
Jurnal ilmu manajemen terapan jimt, issn 26864924 online dan issn 26865246 cetak, merupakan jurnal penelitian manajemen diterbitkan sejak tahun 2019 oleh dinasti publisher. It has been published by the department of indonesian language education, faculty of language and literature, universitas negeri makassar in cooperate with asosiasi dosen bahasa dan sastra indonesia adobsi and ikatan program. Jurnal pendidikan kewarganegaraan ini menerbitkan artikel dalam rumpun ilmu pendidikan dan pendidikan pancasila dan kewarganegaraan. Karakteristik matematika jurnal, jurnal mengenai negara maju, jurnal mengenai ekonomi politik pembangunan, contoh artikel pendidikan kelas rangkap, artikel penelitian tentang hal hal yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan, makalah tentang uji anthelmintik, efektifitas pembelajaran jurnal, jurnal tentang insomnia, hukum islam masuk ke indonesia pdf.
The goal of this journal is to facilitate scholars, researchers, and teachers for publishing the original research articles or. This journal was first published in january 2000 with issn. Due to the demands and needs, in 2017, jurnal pendidikan dan keluarga was firstly published electronically through open journal system ojs version 3. This journal was first published in january 2000 issn. Jurnal ilmu komunikasi has a scope relevant and related but not limited to communication, media, and. The innovative work of the post graduate students, teachers and lecturers of the development of the education sector which is able to make a positive contribution. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan, issn 02159643 print and 24428655 online is a scientific journal that contains and disseminate the results of research, indepth study, and the ideas or innovative work in the field of science education. Jipi terbit 3 tiga kali dalam setahun pada bulan februari, juni, dan oktober. Kajian, teori, dan praktek dalam bidang pendidikan dan ilmu geografi sinopsis terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan januari dan juni berisi tulisan ilmiah tentang pendidikan dan ilmu georgafi baik yang ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia maupun bahasa inggris. Jurnal ilmu tanah dan lingkungan is a continuation of the journal of soil and environmentjurnal tanah dan lingkungan, with p issn 14107333 and e issn 25492853 published twice a year, in april and october by the department of soil science and land resourcesdepartemen ilmu tanah dan sumberdaya lahan a new name from the department of soildepartemen tanah, faculty of agriculture, ipb. Due to the demands and needs, in 2017, jurnal pendidikan dan keluarga was firstly published electronically through open journal system ojs version.
This journal provides a forum for exchanging ideas about theory, methodology and fundamental issues related to the world of health which. Jipi merupakan sarana publikasi bagi akademisi dan praktisi di bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam ipa dan sains dalam. Jurnal nusantara adalah suatu jurnal multidisiplin yang mencakup berbagai pokok persoalan dalam kajian ilmu ilmu sosial dan humaniora. This journal provides a forum for exchanging ideas about theory, methodology and fundamental issues related to the world of health which include nursing. Jpp, volume 4 nomor 1, maret 2006, issn 1693 2463 jurnal pendidikan dan pembelajaran.
Jpis terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun pada bulan juni dan desember. The journal publishes research and conceptual articles in the field of teaching and learning theories and activities focusing on science education, social science education, linguistics and literature education. Feb 17, 2016 information about the openaccess journal jurnal ilmu pendidikan in doaj. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan, keguruan, dan pembelajaran menerbitkan hasil. The journal is intended to provide academic forums for researchers who are interested in the discussion of current and future issues on education and. This work is licensed under a creative commons attributionnoncommercial 4. Gedung cpd kampus lidah wetan universitas negeri surabaya 60231 phonefax. Jurnal ilmu pendidikan indonesia jipi adalah terbitan berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh program magister pendidikan ipa, program pascasarjana universitas cenderawasih. Jurnal aspikom is an international journal that aims to develop communication science by disseminating research in various. Psikologi pendidikan dan ilmu mengajar ichsan jurnal. Jpbi jurnal pendidikan biologi indonesia, issn 24423750. Nationally accredited based on the decree of the minister of research, technology and higher education of indonesia, number 30ekpt2018 as a sinta 2 journal.
Jipi merupakan sarana publikasi bagi akademisi dan praktisi di bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam ipa dan sains dalam menerbitkan artikel hasil. Menerima tulisan hasil pemikiran dan hasil penelitian. Kampus unesa lidah wetan gedung cpd lantai 2, surabaya 602 phonefax. Jurnal visi ilmu pendidikan mendapatkan international standard serial number issn. Jurnal ilmu manajemen dan bisnis is intended to be the journal for. Asosiasi profesi pendidik ekonomi indonesia aspropendo addres. This journal which is published twice a year provides a room for researchers, academists, professionals, practicians, and students to deliver and share various knowledge in forms of. Journal pendidikan dan pemikiran islam, sekolah tinggi ilmu tarbiyah islamic village istighna journal of islamic education issn 19792824 print and issn 26558459 online is a journal published twice a year by stit islamic village. Jurnal ilmu komunikasi has a scope relevant and related but not limited to communication, media, and cultural studies.
1031 874 1049 1183 698 1289 417 1461 827 1588 389 543 1063 1194 52 263 691 10 1267 1376 1413 119 1254 118 1426 411 671 172 439 693 1555 350 1165 1416 1628 1536 53 498 1049 633 486 259 591 494 329 1283